Strength training is one of the most important activities kids, teens, adults, and older adults can do to help improve their life at every stage. Also known as resistance exercise, strength training increases muscle strength and endurance, helping you become stronger.
10 Key Benefits of Strength Training
Strength training comes with a long list of benefits, including:
1. Improves heart health
Strength training has been shown to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
2. Improves mental health and mood
Strength training releases endorphins, brain chemicals that help improve mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
3. Makes everyday tasks easier
With increased strength comes the ability to function easier on a daily basis and even prevent injuries.
4. Boosts metabolism
The more muscle you have, the more calories you can burn at rest!
5. Improves flexibility, balance, and joint stability
Strengthening the muscles around joints provides better support and stability. This can have a significant impact on balance but also help prevent future injuries.
6. Better posture
When strengthening exercises are done with the proper form, they can help improve posture by increasing back, shoulder, and core muscle strength. In many cases, better posture also translates to reduced back, neck, or leg pain.
7. Increases bone density
This is a significant benefit for everyone, but especially women who are getting older and are worried about osteoporosis. The exercises done to strengthen muscles also put stress on bones, causing them to grow and increase in density. The end result is reduced risk for conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
8. Helps manage weight
Building muscle means increasing lean body mass and decreasing fat. Since muscle burns more calories, strength training can be a useful tool for maintaining or losing weight. Just imagine the body transformation you can experience!
9. Helps you look and feel younger
Looking for a confidence booster? Strength training can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, giving you increased confidence in your body and its abilities. The change in your physical looks can also increase positive feelings and overall self-esteem.
10. Improves sleep quality
Do you often have difficulty getting to or staying asleep? Regular strength training has been shown to help improve sleep quality, leaving you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to face whatever the day holds.
Along with this list is being able to enjoy more life activities. This includes things like playing with your children and grandchildren, and being able to enjoy more food daily because your body requires more food with increased muscle mass. That extra muscle mass also means you can enjoy your favorite higher calorie foods without worrying so much!
For women, many believe they will become bulky if they increase lifting their weights in the gym, and strength train on a regular basis. However, that is far from true. Women do not have the hormones naturally to support the bulkiness that comes with strength training. The bulky look is tailored to men because of their high level of testosterone. The athletic look many desire generally requires having more muscle on your frame than you do right now. Strength training is what gives the nice, sculpted look many refer to as ‘toned.’
How Do Strength Training and Cardio Compare in Terms of Benefits?
Including cardio exercises in your fitness plan can be a great way to improve cardiovascular health and increase endurance. Cardio can also support quick weight loss (sometimes) but when done on its own, won’t help you get the sculpted, defined muscles you may be looking for.
In contrast, the results from strength training take time but are easier to maintain in the long run. Ultimately, a balanced fitness routine that includes both strength training and cardio can promote overall health and well-being.
If you are currently strength training, keep it up! If you stay away from it because of rumors you have heard or are not sure where to begin, please reach out to me.
As a nutrition coach, personal trainer, 1:1 Pilates coach, and Olympic lifting coach, I have the knowledge, expertise, and experience to help you reach your goals efficiently and sustainably!