The Reverse Diet: What It Is and How It Can Transform Your Health

by | Feb 2, 2024

What Is a Reverse Diet?

A reverse diet is an eating plan that involves gradually increasing your calorie intake over a period of several weeks or months. The goal is to boost metabolism and help your body burn more calories throughout the day.

The History Behind Fad Diets and Why Reverse Dieting Is Necessary

Before we look at who can benefit from a reverse diet, let’s look at how we get to the reverse dieting phase.

For years, society has focused significantly on weight loss. People have tried every new fad diet, hoping it would be the answer to their weight loss goals. They’ve dropped calories and many have gotten to a point of TOO FEW calories. Many people have also restricted their favorite foods. Or, they’ve eliminated whole food groups or tried fat burner supplements.

The truth is that every fad diet I’ve seen people try actually does help people lose weight. Common dieting tactics include cutting out carbs, having a point system for food, or labeling foods as green, yellow, and red lights, etc. But what happens after the program is completed?

Your body is not meant to stay at those lower calories forever. Furthermore, your metabolism has adapted to the lower calorie intake. This means you’re burning less calories than you would at a maintenance level. It also means when you go back to eating normal ‘maintenance level calories’, the weight will creep right back on. Therefore, reverse dieting is so important. A reverse diet can help you slowly and strategically increase calories for weeks or even months without regaining weight.

Many people also try to ‘diet’ for months to years in a row when a body shouldn’t be put in a deficit for more than 16 weeks. As a nutrition coach, I usually keep my clients in the 12–16-week range because of metabolism and hormone levels. Some of my clients go through this phase 2x a year with a reverse diet and maintenance phase in between.

Who Can Benefit From a Reverse Diet?

A reverse diet is for someone who:

  • Has achieved their fat loss goals
  • Has hit a plateau, is no longer seeing results, and is around the 16-week mark
  • Feels fatigued, hungry, moody, or on edge (These are signs that hormone levels are off.)
  • Has been eating TOO FEW calories for a long time (yo-yo dieting for years or at 1,200 calories and not losing weight)
  • Has just completed a body building or physique show

Get Expert Guidance From a Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer For Sustainable Results

Reverse dieting is a strategic approach that requires planning and preparation. When you work with a professional, such as a nutrition coach, you’ll get a personalized plan built around your specific goals. You’ll also get accountability and support along the way that will help you set realistic goals, track your progress, and make adjustments as necessary. Monitoring changes in weight, body composition, energy levels, hunger, and overall well-being are key factors that contribute to your overall success and sustainable results.

Take a minute and think about where you are currently and where you want to go. Are you in a situation where a reverse diet is needed? If so, I encourage you to reach out to me today.

As a nutrition coach and personal trainer, I’m here to help you reach your health and fitness goals in a healthy, sustainable way to you can transform your body and live life to the fullest!

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